Hi! I'm Megan and I'm so happy you've decided to check out Taste & Adjust.
I created this website as a way to express my creativity, share recipes and photos of food that I love, and chronicle my cooking. Throughout my career as a high school foods teacher (in another life, I was also a server and bartender at a few spots around the Twin Cities...), I have honed my ability to break down complex recipes so that chefs of all levels of experience can feel successful. "Taste and adjust" is a phrase I yell at my foods students to remind them to taste their food (with a clean spoon of course) and determine if flavors need adjusting.
I grew up in a lovely river town in MN and now reside just outside the twin cities with my husband and our three kiddos. We love to cook together while rocking out to the Foo Fighters (or "Food Fighters," as my kids call them...). My 8 and 5-year old can often be found sitting under the dining room table, looking through pictures in one of my cookbooks. These are some of my proudest mom-moments :)