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Follow these tips to clean and cut a bell pepper into strips.
What You'll Need:
Step 1
Using a chef's knife or paring knife, cut around the stem of the pepper, sticking as close to the stem itself as you can.

Step 2
Use your knife to gently pop the top out and discard.

Step 3
Next, cut down one of the seams and open up your pepper like a (delicious) book.

Step 4
You can separate your pepper halves at this point if it makes it easier (I usually do). Next, you will want to remove all of the seeds and pith (this is the white stuff that runs alongside the inside of the pepper in strips). It's usually easiest to do this step with a paring knife. The pith won't hurt you, but it does have a bitter taste so try to get rid of much of it as you can without sacrificing any pepper. Discard all pith and seeds.

Step 5
Cut your pepper into strips that are about 1/4 inch wide, or "batons" as they're known in the culinary world. If you're snacking on them raw or making a stir fry, I'd suggest leaving them this way. If you're adding them to a salad or pasta dish you may wish to cut each strip into smaller pieces.

Store any extra peppers in a covered container in the refrigerator to maintain crispness. On average they usually last 3-4 days once cut.